This construction site is like any other in Belgrade, there`s nothing particularly special nor intriguing about it. What is intriguing is one of the residents who lives right next door. The guy is probably sixty-something, beard, bum-like hobo appearance in general. Except that he really isn`t a bum and appears to be a very knowledgeable person. A regular Forest Gump or some such-like character who knows everything about everything, such as construction, architecture, building, law, art, painting. You name it.
I don`t know his name and call him a supervisory authority, omnipresent eminence making sure that the thing does not collapse or implode. He is right there on the spot along with the workers giving them advice and basically being a pain in the ass. A regular mascot of the neighbourhood, living on the ground floor behind tightly closed blinds. He has been observed by the guys in the gym for a very long time.
To be continued....
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