1. BE A WOLF. BE INTIMIDATING. Learn not to be a people pleaser (fawning forbidden, unless absolutely necessary for survival). Doesn't everyone feel that way all the time or occasionally? We learn to please our parents and our environment. That's manipulation in order to survive and form attachments and bonds of love.

  2.  Learn not to be afraid of people, stand up for yourself, and state your opinions boldly. To do that you need to know what you think. You need to know yourself. So get to know yourself and be your best neighbor.

  3. Learn as much as you can about narcissism disorder and other dangerous disorders. There are unkind people in this world. Also, there are evil people. Don't be naive and talk yourself into believing there is no evil. Because there is. If you harbor a naivite you WILL end up with a narcissist or other type/style because they can recognize the victim very well.

  4. Know what you think. Know what you want. Who will know unless YOU don`t? Learn who you are. Learn what you do not want and use it to learn what it is you really want in life.

  5. Know yourself! Growth isn`t pleasant. Healing is painful. Healing does not happen overnight. It is a process, so give it time and patience.

  6. Listen to your intuition and your gut feelings! Keep yourself from being too agreeable and gullible. Learn to observe other people`s manners, body language, the vibes they give off, and how you generally feel around them. If you notice a fake smile, give it a benefit of the doubt. If you observe more than three fake smiles then tread with caution. Distance yourself or walk away if things are not congruent and there is a slight hint of "this feels strange". 

  7. if you want to be taken seriously by people look them dead in the eye.

  8. What gets you worked up? What problems frustrate you on a deep level? Work to fix them.

  9. Replace judgment with a humble appreciation for what makes each person unique and the consciously or unconsciously untreated wounds we all struggle with. 

  10. You're built differently and have a different energy, so you can't expect other people to have the same energy. Notice the immediate change in people’s behavior/energy when they don’t get what they want from you.

  11. When life offers unexpected losses it also offers a lesson and another opportunity for you to apply your learned lesson.

  12. Track your time. Do you think you work hard? Really? Track every minute of your day & prove it to yourself. You’ll naturally be more productive.

  13. Cultivate an obsessive desire to be excellent at what you do. Keep this in mind always. The average is unacceptable.

  14. If you are stubborn to learn your lesson you will fall again and again until you understand the gravity of the situation. Regardless of how aware you are that a lesson needs to be learned, the same thing WILL happen to you.

  15. Be honest, and straightforward, even at the cost of hurting someone`s feelings. Actually, this one is a test. People who truly care will stay. narcissists will go away without ever texting back. If they stay in your life and are not living with you, they will text back curt replies, just to let you know you are no one important in their life. They will keep you not only as a supply but to prove to themselves they are a normal human being.

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf (1982)

                                                        by Roald Dahl

As soon as Wolf began to feel
That he would like a decent meal,
He went and knocked on Grandma's door.
When Grandma opened it, she saw
The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,
And Wolfie said, "May I come in?"
Poor Grandmamma was terrified,
"He's going to eat me up!" she cried.
And she was absolutely right.
He ate her up in one big bite.
But Grandmamma was small and tough,
And Wolfie wailed, "That's not enough!
I haven't yet begun to feel
That I have had a decent meal!"
He ran around the kitchen yelping,
"I've got to have a second helping!"
Then added with a frightful leer,
"I'm therefore going to wait right here
Till Little Miss Red Riding Hood
Comes home from walking in the wood."
He quickly put on Grandma's clothes,
(Of course he hadn't eaten those).
He dressed himself in coat and hat.
He put on shoes, and after that
He even brushed and curled his hair,
Then sat himself in Grandma's chair.
In came the little girl in red.
She stopped. She stared. And then she said,

"What great big ears you have, Grandma."
"All the better to hear you with," the Wolf replied.
"What great big eyes you have, Grandma."
said Little Red Riding Hood.
"All the better to see you with," the Wolf replied.

He sat there watching her and smiled.
He thought, I'm going to eat this child.
Compared with her old Grandmamma
She's going to taste like caviar.

Then Little Red Riding Hood said, "But Grandma,
what a lovely great big furry coat you have on."

"That's wrong!" cried Wolf. "Have you forgot
To tell me what BIG TEETH I've got?
Ah well, no matter what you say,
I'm going to eat you anyway."
The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
She whips a pistol from her knickers.
She aims it at the creature's head
And bang bang bang, she shoots him dead.
A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.
But what a change! No cloak of red,
No silly hood upon her head.
She said, "Hello, and do please note
My lovely furry wolfskin coat."
