A well-intentioned message to Americans - these sentiments are shared by many overseas but they keep their mouth shut because of your over-fragility, i.e. you cannot stand the truth
I was pondering a lot about whether to write this or not. Because it will not sit well. I am writing this with clear conscience and peace in my heart. So here it goes. My conclusion from hanging out with some Americans is that Americans are all entitled. Especially in LA and NY. Sorry, but that is a fact. A hard truth.
You people think that everything revolves around your country, your problems, your school shootings, hurricanes, etc. Hello! Wake up. I haven't read once, in any of the news, that your tv and other media present, about the misery of others. At times it seems like gloating and intentional smear campaigns. I do not want to mention Hollywood where all the narcs, sociopaths, addicts, and other mentally challenged people flock.
You erroneously think that we all share your mentality. We do not. You are superficial, hollow, and shrunken inside because of deep insecurities, idiocracy you have fallen prey to, and indebtedness to who knows what corporations and banks, and you think you are intelligent for doing so. Think again.
You have a deeply rooted inferiority complex that overflows into grandiosity. I am sorry to say that but it is a fact and many people everywhere in the world share this trait. You poor plastic people. I am sorry to be writing that but you need to hear this. Your enemies are not outside but inside of you. Learn that. Therefore you feel alone or abandoned, or you covertly plot to abandon someone as a personal vendetta for hurting you instead of trying to heal the trauma that resides in you.
These sentiments are shared with many Europeans, Middle Eastern people, and Africans. Probably Russians too.
Take this as an insult or a bitter pill. Your choice. There is no shred of hate speech here. There is only sadness as to how much you want to connect and yet you fail to communicate, because you are not sincere, and what is worse you are mimicking everything you see in other nations especially the French and the Brits. Sad. That directly points to a lack of identity. I deeply pity people who are of mixed races, that you can be cold to and make them feel an odd one out. So they have to move away or blend in with deeply rooted anxieties, fears, resentments, bitterness. Who would blame them? Sad, sad, sad.
My advice to you is to stop being so self-centered, be more humble, and admit that sometimes you just don`t know every answer to every single thing. Stop mislabeling yourselves and others as narcs, ADHD, depression, bipolar, OCD, adult autism, etc. Go see a specialist to tell you what is the real diagnosis. And even then be skeptical. My guess is that there is nothing too much wrong with you like with any other person in the world. We are all insecure, have PTSDs, mishandle our anger, feel entitled, or fall into despair. For me, adult autism is not a mental disease or whatever you want to call it, diversity? It is a fact that you need to acquire coping tools and more social skills. I did the test and came out a bit autistic. I bet I can do a test where I will show that I secretly resent people for their stupidity. Jeeze! What s surprise! Those are all NORMAL things under the circumstances i.e. family, upbringing, mentality, personal beliefs, and all the craziness going on top of that, devised to divide peoples of the world. All those issues need to be properly addressed and not cherished or muffled/covered up with nice quotes from famous people.
If you hate making phone calls, that does not make you autistic. Call people as many times as you can. Stop avoiding good stress! And you will acquire good tools to operate with other people. Simple, isn`t it? When you label yourself it is crippling you and robbing you of experience. I`ve seen that in my friends. So they miss out on everything. Such a shame.
Use traveling abroad not to mimic but to enlarge your heart. Enlargement means you are open and not shrunken. You dig?
Be bold but not brazen. The latter is not a virtue. It is simply RUDE! Shows a lack of good home manners.
And do not fall for videos telling you how to control your emotions instantly. Because therein lies a secret suppression and the consequent illness in the long run. At least listen to this woman because she is teaching you how to be TRUE and TRUTHFUL. Fakers will attract fakers. Ask yourself why I am a faker (because you most definitely are).
Do yourselves a favor and take a listen to MD Gabor Mate. I am not saying he is the only one that knows it. Learn, research, and do not really be hung up too much on your own diagnosis or that of others. Everything overlaps. Right? We are all rainbows, not sepia.
Note. This woman implies Dr. Ramani Durvasula
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